North County San Diego

October 11-13th

What is PUSH?

A group of disciple makers coming together for a weekend to focus on…

Prayer. Every Church Planting Movement around the world was first preceded with a prayer movement. We will have weekly focused time together before and will raise up lots of others to actively join us in prayer throughout the weekend.    Acts 4:

Unity. We are coming together as one team of disciple makers to focus on one area in our region. We will share together, pray together, eat together and have a lot of fun together.

Share. We will be engaging people in the area with the hopes of stepping into disciple making relationships. You’ll likely feel out of your comfort zone some of the time but will have a partner and team to coach you along the way.

Houses of Peace. Our goal is fruit that will last. (John 15:16) We are looking to start at least one group in every location that a team goes to. We will be following the same strategy Jesus shares in Luke 10 and what is used in movements all over the world.

When is PUSH?

October 11-13th but there will be several things you’ll need to do in preparation before and in follow up afterwards. Here is the basic schedule.

Friday, 11th

6pm  Opening Dinner, Prayer and Training: Lifeway Church (1120 Highland Dr, Vista, CA)

Saturday, 12th

9am-12pm   Prayer Walking, Knocking on Doors and other serving opportunities at your ministry location.

Lunch Break as a Team in the area

1:30-4:30pm  Back at your Ministry Site for Prayer Walking, Knocking on Doors and other serving opportunities at your ministry location.

5:30pm  BBQ Dinner and Fun night

Sunday, 13th

9-12 Ministry location

12-1:30 lunch with team

1:30-4 follow up at ministry location in starting Discovery groups in your area.

5-7:30 Closing Dinner Sharing stories at River Garden in Vista. 390 Mimosa AveVista, CA 92081

Where is PUSH?

North County San Diego. We will meet together for dinners and then scatter throughout the area for the morning and afternoon. Below are a list of options for lodging while you are here.

Hotels: Coming Soon (But there are a ton in the area)

Stay with Family: If the cost of lodging were the reason why you would not be able to make it please let us know and we will try to partner you with a local family.

What’s the Commitment?

  1. Sign up at the top of this page.

There is no cost and Friday-Sunday dinners will be covered. You’re just responsible for your own transportation, lodging and breakfast/lunches.

2. Attend at least one of the weekly Disciple Making Prayer Calls on Zoom between August 24th and October 5th from 7:30-8:30am.  Here is the zoom link. https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84031752577?pwd=YTBCa2FhZHNYRjJJSGdvb2lOTjRrdz0

3. Recruit at least 3 people not a part of PUSH to be your prayer support. You’re asking them to be in our War Room and join our slack group for at least one of the hours you are out among the lost. They will see live requests coming in and asked to pray for the conversations with people we are meeting as they are happening. We will send you a slack group link once you sign up.

4. Read a short devotional, 21 Days to Becoming a Disciple Maker. Your local ministry leader has a deeply discounted copy for you or you can buy online directly at WhyNotHere.mov. This will be preparatory for what we will be doing during PUSH.

5. . Join us October 11th 6pm – October 13th 7:30pm in North County San Diego ready to make disciples and see new groups and ultimately churches started.


  1. What do I do with my kids? Bring them! There will be lots of kids coming and the experience will be life transforming for them.

2. What exactly will we do on our ministry teams? We will do a number of things. We will knock on every door of several apartment complexes in an area simply asking if there is anything we can pray for them for. We will share a short story from the Bible and see if they are open to passing it onto anyone else in their family. There will also be prayer walking teams and others doing service in specific areas. We will walk through this in detail on Friday Night and if you’re new to this we will make sure you’re partnered with someone with experience.

3. What if I can only come to part of it? First, I’d challenge you to juggle stuff around and make it work. If you NEED to miss a part just let your team leader know but make sure to not miss dinner Friday night or Sunday night.

4. Who can come? Christians who want to grow as disciple makers and have a humble attitude to learn from others.